Wait what?


Yes, that was a serious question. 


Why? you ask.


Because the most important thing that happens in any sexual interaction is the thoughts that are going on in your mind. What you think about can MAKE OR BREAK YOU!


And the reason that Pfizer is making record sales of little blue pills is because guys are breaking. They are literally wilting under the pressure like a plucked flower in the hot sun.




Because the pill is solving nothing.


It’s just exacerbating the problem.


It’s a quick fix for a weak mind.


The reality of the situation is that your thoughts aren’t serving you. But that’s because you’re focused on the wrong thing. You’ve spent all that time focused on yourself……


Focused on what she thinks of you.


Focused on if you’re good enough.


Focused on the idea of hopefully getting hard.




You’re focused on the wrong fucking shit. 


They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome. Well?  How has thinking all those thoughts helped you up until now?


Wait……is that crickets I hear?


Exactly…., going down the rabbit hole of negativity doesn’t help you at all, and it certainly won’t pull you out the issues you’re facing. Yet there IS something that you should be focusing on…




You see, when you put all your conscious focused attention on “DOING” things to the woman, you can create the space of what I refer to as, “WHITE NOISE”, in your mind.


And it’s this space of emptiness, this space of no mind, this space of white noise that is the key. 


Because you shouldn’t be thinking about what’s for dinner when you’re fucking.


And you shouldn’t be thinking about getting hard either. Rather you should be focused solely on the girl in front of you. Focused on getting her off. Focused on doing the things that turn you on.


Imagine for a second that you’ve got 400lbs on top of you on a bench press. 


Are you thinking, “Geez these metal plates are so shiny”!  Or even better, “I bet my protein shake will taste really good after this workout”!  




You’re just focused on getting that weight up.


You’re focused on doing.


Because with doing comes victory. And when you are just sitting there thinking, you really are just setting yourself up for failure. 


So be brave.


Be better.


Be a doer.